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The benefit of a standardized data center infrastructure is understanding the minimum requirements for designing, monitoring, controlling, protecting, and maintaining a data center. Therefore, it can make things easier from the beginning of data center construction, operation to data center development phase.


The following introduces the system used to build and manage data center physical infrastructure in Indonesia, which mainly includes several contents that need to be standardized, such as:

Power Systems
Access control and security
raised floor system
Server rack system
Cable system

Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning or simply air control system in Indonesia. In Indonesia, which has only two climates, data center infrastructure in Indonesia does not require heating.

Data center cooling system
Server room temperature control equipment must be clearly sized and account for the effects of humidity. Here are the standards:
All refrigeration equipment must be designed, installed and maintained by qualified or certified technicians, and all equipment must have a maintenance plan recommended by the supplier.
Air filter media must be installed at ventilation points and must be replaced regularly according to the manufacturer's recommended service life.
Air temperature and humidity must be maintained at levels appropriate for the equipment installed in the data center server room. The moisture injection device must have a separate drain pipe.
Cooling tower units must be designed and installed to prevent failure, such as with automatic switching systems, then placed in a safe location, and must be maintained by qualified maintenance technicians in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines. This also applies to pump systems.
The piping system must be designed with a loop system so that technicians can isolate a disturbance if it is encountered, preventing the disturbance from spreading throughout the piping. Pipes must be made of anti-rust and anti-freeze materials.
Air circulation units must be able to cover all rooms and equipment.
All computer room support infrastructure systems must be continuously monitored and a main console report must be produced that can also be accessed remotely and includes maintenance history.


Power Systems
The master and slave transformers must have HVAC systems to support the correct heat load and humidity levels for each unit maintained by experienced technicians, and the units must have a manufacturer's warranty.
Main electrical panels and PLCs (Program Logic Controls) must have high current surge protection to prevent damage to server equipment and the entire data center infrastructure. The PLC must be equipped with a UPS as a stabilizer and backup power when the power supply changes.
The entire electrical system must have a system that automatically switches on if one of the power supplies fails.
The data center's UPS must be sized enough to meet current and future demands, and must have enough battery backup to support the main server's power needs so that it does not shut down. UPS systems must be maintained regularly.
Backup battery systems must follow the manufacturer's recommendations for sufficient quality and capacity to ensure continuity of operations and must meet the requirements for data center UPS batteries.
Subpanels must meet current and future needs and then be placed in the data center room for easy access by technicians and at least 1 meter away from other equipment.
A remote power strip must be provided to easily distribute power to the equipment. Must comply with BS/IEC/EN 60439-1 standard.
The power outlet block (Power Distribution Unit/PDU) must be adapted to the server rack or cabinet in which it is installed and must meet the appropriate requirements for the electrical plug equipment in the server rack and must be able to be monitored via IP.
According to the ANSI/TIA-469-B standard for telecommunications systems, power cables must be separated from data cables. The cables used must be able to extend as needed throughout the data center infrastructure being used.
All metal objects must be grounded, including cabinets, racks, PDUs, CRACs (server room air conditioners), cable runs, and any raised floors with a ground resistance of less than 1 ohm.
The grounding system of data center equipment must be distinguished from other equipment such as lightning protection systems in the data center building.
All electrical equipment must be able to be centrally monitored via IP in one of the monitoring rooms, with an alarm system that can be sent via email or SMS.
The monitoring system must be able to analyze and generate reports, and must be able to create log files of device performance and event history.
The generator or genset must continue to be heated regularly so that it is always ready in the event of an interruption in the power supply. Generators must be tested at full load at least once a year to determine generator readiness, and maintenance and testing records must be maintained for generators used in the data center. The generator must be automatically connected to the switchboard so that when the PLN goes out, the generator can automatically start immediately and the UPS can temporarily hold the electrical load to keep all equipment running.
All electrical equipment must be regularly tested and maintained.


Access control and security
The security of building and room entrances and exits must comply with ISO-27001 standards, so electronic access control systems must be able to provide all accessed data to ensure the security of the data center area.
Access logs must be retained for at least one year or longer, as stipulated in the building management department's security policy.
Strict policies must be enforced regarding access to data center facilities and spaces, and these procedures must be reviewed regularly.
Security video must be able to cover the entire exterior and interior of the building, and video data must be retained for at least 30 days.
Security access can be increased by limiting visitors to the data center room, such as providing only glass to observe the data center room. Access to the server room must be secured by the employee most responsible for data center security. Visitors must fill out a visitor book in the lobby area.
Emergency procedures must cover the entire data center building environment. Emergency contact list information must be provided, and staff must be regularly trained to respond to emergencies.
Fire prevention and suppression systems must be specifically designed to cover the entire data center infrastructure, such as fire hoses integrated with smoke detection alarms, and for larger fires, fire extinguishers that use chemicals and will not damage the building must be used.

raised floor system
The space below the floor must be kept clean and free of rust. Air pressure in the area beneath the raised floor must be maintained and maintained regularly.
The raised floors are cleaned regularly using a vacuum system equipped with HEPA/S-rated (hospital grade) filters.
Maintenance of the floor structure is designed to protect the raised floor from corrosion and rust. The integrity of the floor must be maintained by replacing parts that are damaged or in poor condition.
It is important to know that the raised floor can withstand loads of up to several kilograms so that the equipment can be placed without damaging the raised floor structure.


Server rack system
The server rack used must have a standard, such as a 42U rack with holes and neutral rail mounting, without reference to a specific brand of equipment, and meet the requirements of EIA-310 (Electrical Industries Alliance standard) for 19-inch rack equipment.
In addition to the front and back, a server cabinet or rack must have electrical access points and data cable routing on the top and bottom.
The data center must have its own rack server design or unified rack server standardization for long-term use.
The layout of the cabinets should be easy for technicians to access and provide free space for better temperature control within the server rack.
The server racks used must have digital doors and locks.
All server equipment and other large equipment are placed at the bottom of the server rack.


Cable system
A structured and protected cable system must be in place above and below the data center room to allow technicians to easily install it within the server room and to better maintain short-circuit safety.
Cables and data lines must be separated, and certain cables must be isolated so that if interference occurs, it does not spread as a whole.
All cables have index labels so they can be easily managed according to the KDE UI Text (KUIT) labeling standard.
According to the ANSI/TIA-469-B standard, data lines must be kept at a certain distance from power lines and lightning protection grounding lines.
The fiber optic cable must use an optimized 50 micron OM3 laser.
Copper or copper UTP cable must be CAT 6 type with RJ45 system boot connector.


Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing data center countries in Asia and has standardized parameters for data center construction to make their work more rigorous and efficient.